Engineer of the week!

I am proud to share that I was awarded “Engineer of the Week” award by my employer – “Elaphe propulsion technologies”.Here is what they had to say:“ In Elaphe, we are glad to give out the “Engineer of the week” award to team members who continue to innovate and go to extra lengths in solving […]

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Citroen GS restoration blog

Well, it wasnt all plaing sailing, as it wasnt just splapping a coiat of paint and pushing the car out of the door, it was a labour of love. As previously noticed this project started based on really good bones, the car was driveable, and rust was “mostly” under control.The previous owner did well with […]

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Explaining “Car passion”

Spending most of my life around cars, surely I developed a special appreciation of these and their specifics – indeed, I have a passion related to these automotive contraptions.. Many people wont understand that.For them a car is a means of transport, or that white box with wheels wheezing them around the city while they […]

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3rd of July

Today, the 3rd of July, the world has lost two great men, their legacy and their achievements shaped every bit of me and my soul.James “Jim” Douglas Morrison 1943-1971 (The Doors)André Citroën 1878-1935

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Birthday wishes

Thank you all, dear friends! So many of you, from so many places around the world.. its sure is a blessing and a pleasure to have met each and everyone of you. If I can pass along one humble message – Be kind to each other – be careful and take care of each other. […]

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Happy international women’s day!

Happy international women’s day! Its time for humanity to break away from prejudice, religion and tradition and to declare, in a clear voice, that MEN and WOMEN and the SAME.Both should have the same opportunities, the same treatment, the same trust, and of course the same wages. If there’s anything that COVID should have taught […]

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DMF and flywheel conversions

originally posted in Hebrew on a PSA diagnostics Facebook group on 01/03/2021. A few words from my experience with flywheel conversions,Modern diesel vehicles have included a dual mass flywheel(DMF) for at least the last 20 years. This flywheel design is made up of a main mass that bolted to the crankshaft and a secondary mass […]

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Citroen GS turns 50!

My classic is celebrating 50!I wish you many more marvellous years of driving delight, original design, bucket load of character and the best ride of any car.Just think about it.. 50 years.. what else today has 50 years of service..(ah, yes it can drive on just 3 wheels, but usually i prefer all 4 installed) […]

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