In loving memory

In loving memory of my father, Valera Alexandrevich Drabinsky, who just left us, way too early. A great man, a real gentleman, and a brilliant pilot. Gave so many so much and never asked anything in return, I love you very much and I will miss you for the rest of my life.

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International women’s day!

Happy international women’s Day! If equality would have it, there would be no need for this day, but until then we commemorate the way life is intertwined between us, as equals, deserving same opportunities and same treatment. We thank you, our dear spouses, wife’s and mother’s for taking part in our mutual amazing journey through […]

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Support for Ukrainian refugees

Many Ukrainians had no options but to flee the war zones, mostly women and minors, most couldn’t take supplies with them and are left with nothing, in the freezing Ukraine and surrounding countries. Friends please show solidarity, get engaged and support the less fortunate. Support organizations are everywhere and any donation will be greatly appreciated. […]

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Explaining “Car passion”

Spending most of my life around cars, surely I developed a special appreciation of these and their specifics – indeed, I have a passion related to these automotive contraptions.. Many people wont understand that.For them a car is a means of transport, or that white box with wheels wheezing them around the city while they […]

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3rd of July

Today, the 3rd of July, the world has lost two great men, their legacy and their achievements shaped every bit of me and my soul.James “Jim” Douglas Morrison 1943-1971 (The Doors)André Citroën 1878-1935

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Birthday wishes

Thank you all, dear friends! So many of you, from so many places around the world.. its sure is a blessing and a pleasure to have met each and everyone of you. If I can pass along one humble message – Be kind to each other – be careful and take care of each other. […]

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Happy international women’s day!

Happy international women’s day! Its time for humanity to break away from prejudice, religion and tradition and to declare, in a clear voice, that MEN and WOMEN and the SAME.Both should have the same opportunities, the same treatment, the same trust, and of course the same wages. If there’s anything that COVID should have taught […]

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Once there were visionaries

Originally posted on Facebook on 06/01/20. 58 years ago, this man, somehow, had the vision and the determination to give us our modern lives.Without modern computing, the internet, or deep understanding of things we take for granted today, people just like us did the unbelievable. I am always amazed to hear him talk.What a great […]

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Citroen 1919-2019

Orignally posted on facebook on 02/10/2019. My favourite car maker is celebrating 100 years of innovation, and what story it is, with so many twists and turns..One thing is sure, here’s a company who thinks way outside of the box. And I applaud that I had the chance and absolute honour to own many of […]

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